Is there a link between cancer and bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery, which is also called “weight loss surgery,” is a surgery that helps fat people lose weight by making their stomach and/or intestines smaller. This surgery has been shown to be a good way to treat fat and the health problems that come with it, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. But some people have worried that bariatric surgery might increase the chance of getting cancer.

Some studies have found a possible link between bariatric surgery and a higher chance of certain kinds of cancer. However, there is no proof that gastric surgery causes cancer. One study that was released in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that women who had bariatric surgery were more likely to get breast cancer than women who hadn’t had the operation. Another study that was published in the Annals of Surgery found that people who had bariatric surgery were more likely to get colon cancer.

But it’s important to keep in mind that these studies have flaws and don’t show for sure that bariatric surgery causes cancer. In fact, other studies have shown that bariatric surgery may lower the chance of uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and liver cancer.

People who are thinking about bariatric surgery should talk to their healthcare provider about the risks and rewards. Even though the surgery may come with some risks, it’s important to know that being overweight is a major risk factor for many types of cancer. By having bariatric surgery to lose weight, people may actually lower their general risk of getting cancer.

Bariatric surgery has been shown to have many health benefits besides lowering the chance of cancer. These include better heart health, better control of diabetes, and a better quality of life. For many people who are obese and have health problems because of it, bariatric surgery can be a life-changing treatment that helps them lose weight and get healthier for good.

In conclusion, bariatric surgery may have some risks, but there is no solid evidence to show that it makes people more likely to get cancer. People who are thinking about bariatric surgery should talk to their doctor about the risks and benefits and then make a choice based on their own health needs. For many people with obesity and the health problems that come with it, bariatric surgery can be a good way to improve their general health and well-being.

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